Visual Treat and Thoughts#4
Welcome to another episode of Visual Treat and Thought series! You may wonder what is my Intention behind continuing this interactive series from #1 #2 #3 ?! To broaden each of our mind by hearing/reading out uniquely beautiful thoughts from the comments section , along with interestingly illuminating our brain cells through visual thinking, through my varied set of personal pictures. Tada! Presenting #4 picture from my favourite spot! Kick out that endless scrolling; Observe the picture with a free yet keen mind, think on your shoes for a couple of minutes and pour in your comments in the comments section. My thoughts: Those yellow flowers that are joyfully dancing on the branches and those that lay peacefully on the ground - both look beautiful. Reason being their vibrant color and flower texture that makes them beautiful even when they are fallen. When a human lives with a vibrance of spreading goodness and rendering helping hands to the world around, in wh...