The Way Out

The smallest of small incidents give us bigger insights. Have you consciously noticed this aspect of our life?

I became more aware of it from one such pettiest and widely known experience in the most visited spot of our lives - the parking lot 😊

Either we tend to adjust and park our vehicle in the smallest available gap or  other vehicles get parked closely intertwined with ours.
 Either way, when we get back, we are in for a tug of war in getting them out from the mess, don’t we?

One such evening with all preoccupied thoughts from the day, I was impatiently and vigorously trying  to rescue my poor vehicle that was stuck neck to neck (or rather stand to stand!) with another heavy bike. 

I was pulling my vehicle left, right and center; Trying In all different  postures - sitting,  bending, squatting, slanting; all different ways in trying to get out of the mess.

There was no way out. Or atleast I thought so and gave up in frustration.

Helplessly I looked around for external support to lift the other heavier vehicle in order to untangle my vehicle. But there was no one around. 

Feeling lost and hopeless, I just stood still without trying anything at all, for a while. 

Suddenly I observed that it is actually not the huge vehicle that's blocking my vehicle’s way out, but just the small footrest stand that's obstructing the way. 

Now taking a more closer look at the root cause, I simply tried folding the footrest of that huge vehicle - Boom! The new found narrow gap cleared the obstruction, finally paving the much needed way back to my home!

What are your takeaways from this pettiest yet thoughtful  day to day incident ?

My takeaway: 

On pondering, I was vividly reminded of Appa’s advise, “Dont yield up to problems, Gargi!”

Sometimes problems seem bigger in our “imagination”. Key is to take a closer yet emotionally distant look. 

To Identify the kind of blockage - be it emotional, psychological or any other.  
Finally, to march  towards clearing them away from the blocked path. This way, the way out becomes much easier than it seems to be.

Yours Soulfully,
Gargi SMARam πŸŒŸπŸ’«


  1. What are your thoughts and takeaways?

    Remember to change the “comment as” option feed in your name to avoid being that anonymous commentator! 😊

  2. Absolutely agree, when you work with a calm mind irrespective of the challenge, amazing solutions find you.

  3. Yeah all knotty and knotted problems are likely due to our impatience and narrow view of the circumstances. Given a different perspective life in general is a joy and not at all a strife.

    1. Golden thought Bala uncle - “Joy and not strife when viewed differently”

  4. True that. Just a step back, looki into the problem again , the surrounding and yes, you will find the answer.

    Many times it happened to me. When I go for an external help, by the time o try to explain the problem, i get the solution. Because , when you explain the problem to a 3rd person, you need to explain from beginning , the fundamentals. When you do so, you will have to solution for the problem already.

    1. Glad to see a different perspective from the blog. True, that is why thinking out aloud and teaching benefits everyone!

  5. You caught my mindvoice Sara😁 Indeed every little thing or person tagged with us, give us something to ponder upon, isnt it!

  6. Absolutely, every situation has a way out! The time and effort we take to solve it depends on how we approach it. The advice that we shouldnt look at question papers too close or too distant while trying to solve them comes to my mind reading this blog. Nicely scripted, Gargi. Felt as if am trying to unwind that vehicle as I go through this blog 😊

  7. Very nicely written and totally relatable article!! Many at times we tend to go into firefighting mode when a problem arises that we forget to think about the causation , sometimes all we need is a deep breath and a step back to arrive at the solution.

    Reminds me of one of my favourite dialogues from movie Pirates of Carribbean,

    "The problem is not the problem, the problem is our attitude about the problem"
    -Captain Jack sparrow

  8. Absolutely agree, when we see a problem unbiasely we tend to find a easy and better solution..


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