Visual Treat and Thoughts#4

 Welcome to another episode of Visual Treat and Thought series! 

You may wonder what is my Intention behind continuing this interactive series from #1 #2 #3?! 

To broaden each of our mind by hearing/reading out uniquely beautiful thoughts from the comments section , along with interestingly illuminating our brain cells through visual thinking, through my varied set of personal pictures.

Tada! Presenting #4 picture from my favourite spot!

Kick out that endless scrolling; Observe the picture with a free yet keen mind, think on your shoes for a couple of minutes and pour in your comments in the comments section.

My thoughts:

Those yellow flowers that are joyfully dancing on the branches and those that lay peacefully on the ground - both look beautiful. Reason being their vibrant color and flower texture that makes them beautiful even when they are fallen. 

When a human lives with a vibrance of spreading goodness and rendering helping hands to the world around, in whatever small ways possible, that beautiful soul still lives even when fallen and would be celebrated, remembered for its vibrant, colorful deeds.

Yours Soulfully,
Gargi SMARam πŸ’«πŸŒŸ


  1. Think, Write and share! Remember to add in your name before posting comments to avoid being anonymous!

  2. As your blog spot impacted my thoughts, not able to concentrate other work.. so decided to delete my blog spot account " Sara"... All the best..πŸ‘


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