The “Jammed” Grasshopper Story

 It was a nerve biting, emotional experience with an hefty insect at our home recently.

A gigantic, pista-green grasshopper - with long legs and short antenna - peeked into our kitchen, in absolute silence.

Fearing its painful bites, We started chasing it away. I and Amma(mom) were such a determined “shooing-away” team that the hopper not knowing where-else to escape, it jammed itself in between immovable, narrow glass doors.

With sudden dramatic turn of events, feeling awfully upset and guilty, We rigorously made every possible attempt to free its tussle.

Into the tiny teeny glass door’s gap, we carefully plugged in varied shapes of tools - long forceps, coriander stem, curry leaves stem, a thin string etc.

We were operating in a mode of tension and guilt to save the jammed creature’s life.

The more we tried to help the poor creature to get out of the suppressing narrow glasses, the more it got pushed towards the closed wall. The hopper wasn’t ready to grab support - it was in panic mode.

“Amma, let’s pause and give it some more time”, I pointed to Amma.

Meanwhile, the hopper kept exploring and crawling by itself towards “no-exit” path. 

Through the transparent glasses, hopper’s heavy panting and exhaustion from trying hard and alone, was clearly visible.

Time was ticking fast with every panting breath. Some miracle has to happen now.

Mothers being the creator and protector by nature, Amma sprung into action with her innovative saviour tool - a thin long string that could reach the insect with ease. But still, the string couldn’t push the insect out.

My engineer brain worked its magic by designing a “U” shaped hook out of the thin string. For anchoring, aiding and pushing the hopper towards the exit.

The hopper tired of its lone battle, cooperated us beautifully, holding onto the string anchor.

In a matter of seconds, the grasshopper was free from the constriction, out of the jammed doors, flying away merrily into fresh air!

Huffffff!! We were jumping in joy, What a huge relief!

My thoughts went back to my harrowing grieving days when life seemed to be over - I was that struggling grasshopper finding my way out of my jammed grief and emotions.

In each of my grieving phase, Universe magically presented me with perfect set of anchors - family, neighbours, friends, counsellors,  mentor and nature - I hold onto them gracefully, healing my soul gradually.

Shunning away our inner resistance, seeking support at the right time with undeterred faith and willingness, are of massive value to our life and our loved ones.

Yours Soulfully,

Gargi Smaram 💫🌟


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